The first day of the rest of your life

Unicorn Doors

Today was the first day i can proudly say that I walked into the Shopify office, through the glass doors, and did not feel incredibly overwhelmed by the interview I was about to face. After 8 interviews total, I started my new job as a Shopify Guru today.

There are 13 of us starting this week, 6 of us being Guru's. A Guru is the type of person that can deal with chats, emails, and phone calls, from our amazing customers, all at the same time. We are the front line, the support team. We make sure that any store that is looking to succeed on Shopify is able to do so, and do it well.

We walked into the Protoss Boardroom (and there are also Zerg and Terran rooms) and were immediately given our most powerful tool to succeed, the MacBook air I am writing this on. We were also given a large quantity of things, including a sweater, t-shirt, Shopify Hot Sauce, Mac Keyboard, Mac Trackpad, 7-year pen, Moleskine notebook, and more. I can say that any nerves I had starting here slowly diminished as I began unpacking my loot bag of sorts.

For the rest of the morning we dealt with the necessary paperwork, then it was off to Guruland, my home for the foreseeable future. I met more people that I was able to remember the names of, and we began learning about what is expected of us, which is a lot.

Not to get too much into the nitty-gritty details, today was amazing, the Indian Lunch was amazing (catered lunches every day) and I am very excited for the coming week.
