Really Enjoying Your Weekends

When you are going to work at a competitive company like Shopify 5 days a week, you really need to forget about work over the weekends. So lets do a quick recap of this relaxing weekend that had nothing to do with work. Friday night began at 9:00 exactly when Kaitlyn came to the office and we packed up and went to the three brewers for the end of the sens game and We got home after 11 and were ready to call it a week and get to bed to be ready for the Panda Game (Carleton vs ottawa U football) on Saturday. I decided to do a last few tickets (delaying actually starting my weekend being back in the flow of work right before bed) and then went to bed exhausted.

Saturday morning we went to the Panda game at Ottawa U. The atmosphere was threatening at best, with a few hundred/thousand Ottawa U students drunk as they may be, giving me death stares for my Carleton shirt. We lost, we knew we would, but the game was really fun. I would say that without the drunk college girls yelling about being so mad at a game I knew they didn't understand, the game would have been less entertaining.

Saturday night ended the way that every saturday has for the last month, with Grand Theft Auto until the dark hours of the night. Sunday was basically the same thing. I am not writing this to sound like an interesting person, just to emphasize how awesome it feels to enjoy your weekends. On that note, I will continue enjoying sunday night football and steamwhistle.
