Adding a Search bar with HTML and Liquid

You may want to add a large search bar to your page to encourage your customers to search for your products. Search bars, when added properly, can be aesthetically pleasing and add balance to a page. The following code added the search bar to the blogs page: (click on Learning HTML in the top left)

There may be a number of new items here that will add a level of complexity, and those are not HTML, but liquid. There is a list of Liquid variables here. Liquid is very easy to read and is used to add the simplicity of Shopify. Blog.title is telling the reader that the title of the blog should be there. This does not need to be changed as the title of the blog changes for each page, it will read the information and change it for each page. Easy right?

We will continue to talk more about Liquid later as it is added throughout the code of our stores.